Wednesday, June 3, 2009

03 June 2009 Decatur Alabama

The weather is really hot, hitting the 90’s and what better way to spend a day like this than at a water park. The other bargain is it was half price day. We spent a lot of hours of fun in the sun until we had to go and register.

Michi ahoy Sven in action

P6030099 P6030101

Even I was into the action P6030117 Check daai lyfie! P6030123 Sven reg om die Space bowl te ry. This bowl is fast, and spins you into a vortex, until you fall out the bottom. Amelia also slid for fun The play area for the young ones P6030150 P6030152 Amelia and I rode this one down, I am still deaf from the screams as we rode down in tandem The wave pool which we avoided, because it looked like Durban beach on New Year! This is why the Americans call it the beach, all the lakes have nice sand beaches for swimming. Point Mallard Beach

Then it was the tower ofcourage for Michi, he had to make the jump for his teenage initiation Up up and ........... Forward... Look ...^%!#$&  ... look again.... ....should I go ...or should I stay.... %#% dit ek kan nie, but there is no way out.... .... and finally awaaaaay  ! a deal is a deal, so I had to fllow and I tell you I sh@$t myself initially looking down as well. Well done Michi! P6030176 I think the face confirms it.

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