Monday, July 27, 2009

20 – 27 July Orlando and surrounds


These past few days we have been relaxing and finalising a lot of loose ends and are starting to prepare for our departure back to RSA again.  But we still take time to travel around Florida to take in the sights and even go to the beach. Our latest outing was to Melbourne (Florida) where we spent the day on the beach.

Part of the kids daily entertanement is to catch small lizards P7180005 Princess and Rambo P7220011The Gator Motel  The Viking Motel The medievil Motel I had to take a pic of this Hiway Patrol man on his old fashioned Harley These cranes crossed the road and a busy 4 lane road stopped to let them cross. P7270023 Reaching the east coast beaches, a mere 55 miles from Orlando. The water was calm, but the waves were "tumblers". The kids played with a tube and had great fun. Before ......P7270054 ..during ..... .........after the dunk. Then Michelle was pushed. oooops! P7270064 Guess who pushed her? But he got his own when he tried to dive against a wave and it just toppled him over backwards and tumbled him. This is new around here, where they paddle with a surfboard and ride the waves. The other popular sport here is wave skmming, not surfing. The rider runs into the surf with the board and then turns on the wave.

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