Thursday, March 26, 2009

25 March 2009 off to Gallup New Mexico

After our freezing night at Lake Ute we thought we would head further west and beat the cold front by nearly reaching Arizona. But the driving was tough, the wind was head on and gusting at speeds of 60mph. The cold also did not leave us either, we were told that they predict snow for the evening hence we decided to hole up in a Motel instead of Camping. Currently the temperature is 45deg F, but the wind-chill brings it down much more. Hopefully the weather is gone by tomorrow when we reach the Grand Canyon. We also visited the wolves as we are currently in Indian tribal country.

Mexican restaurant, you really get the feel of Mexico here. Barren landscape with snow on the mountains in the rear. Similar to the Karoo.

Snow capped mountains and bluebird skies. I am glad I dont have his number plate!

P3250133 Typical New Mexico Scenery

Historical New Mexican Town The vulcano with a frozen lake underneath in the Ice Caverns. There was stil snow along the road.

P3250146 This is where we went to look at one of my favourite animals.

The entrance to the sanctuary, obviously the Mexicans are small people, look at the size of the door. An Arctic Wolf A timber Wolf

P3260151 P3260153

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